Saturday, July 17, 2010

Can our Fashion flaws become instant trends?

With every season change comes a new trend that flocks entire inventory from any department store to a tiny highly reserved boutique. Some trends almost develop overnight and with no surprise fade at the same rate. So before you ladies start packing up that old season stock into storage boxes. Here are some ideas for using old to pass as new!
1. Minimalism!... Think minimalism when it comes to adding past seasons accessories such as bulky beads, bracelets , rings or belts. Think less when you wear bold colors or patterns and think more when you going a bit neutral or light.
2. Overaccessariesm! When it comes to complimenting an outfit such as plain white suit or a nude colored dress.. accessories are needed more then ever, even if it is just a simple neon clutch or an oversized chain necklace.
3. Denim Denim Denim! Denim is huge this summer but will it be huge once september hits? Not really...but what we can do is leave out atleast one denim shirt to wear as a cardigan with a nice tank over a pencil skirt and a comlimentary belt... Very chic and very casual ofcourse.
4. Tigths and more tights! Use your tights ladies because they are not going anywhere and honestly I think we don't want them to go either .
5. Nudes!... Nude is not practical during colder seasons but a pair of nude heels or a pencil skirt can still look very Fall and trendy.
When it comes to making a trendy and chic look its all about how to make it all work and that is all to it