Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Taylor Lautner says he cries while watching own films

While his Twilight character Jacob Black is all tough bravado, Taylor Lautner isn't afraid to admit he's a bit of a cry baby.

After recently telling fans "you will cry...multiple times" over the upcoming two Breaking Dawn films, Lautner admitted to US celebrity site PopSugar that even he's not immune to the dramas of a vampire-human romance gone freakish.
When asked if he teared up when watching the films, he responded: "Oh yes! Yeah of course. It's an emotional one. You see the same characters we've grown to know and love in a completely different light than you've seen them before. I mean, it's still part of the same franchise, but I mean it's a completely different movie — and I think that's going to be exciting for fans to see".
He added that his final scenes with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were also "emotional" and "tough" as it was the second last day of filming.

All that pent-up emotion could serve the 19-year-old well in his attempts to transition into a serious movie star, with his first lead non-Twilight role in Abduction hitting cinemas this week.