Saturday, February 11, 2012

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber fans got some surprises!

It's surprising to see that almost half of Justin and Selena's fans answered, "No" that they don't think these two will marry.
Even the "I don't know" was a mature response. It's really a grown-up way of looking at things, which shows that selena has a few fans that are more mature than maybe the media's given them credit for in the past?

One of the latest polls to come out about Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber reveals some surprises, but the surprises aren't just about Selena and Justin; they're more about the fans participating in the poll. With all the media talk about how young the fans seem for this pop singing couple, they've answered a question coming from a mature point of view. This points to a more mature fan base for Selena than Justin, or at least a more mature thinking one.

"Do you think Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez will get married?" This is the straightforward question asked of the couple's fans. While most young kids would probably jump all over that "yes" button, because they're not looking that far into the future, that wasn't the case. The answers for "yes" and "no" were almost split right down the middle. Fans voted "Yes" 42.38% and "No" 41.7%, with the remaining percentage making up the "I don't know" option, as seen on Hollywood Life.

While Selena and Justin make one fairy tale couple today, they're still only in their teens (OK Selena's a stone's throw away from 20, but she's still 19 today). Not many people marry their high-school sweetheart, which is basically one way to describe a couple of teenagers in love, so Selena and Justin fall under this umbrella. The reason they don't marry their teenage boyfriend or girlfriend is because they mature at different rates, and they are just finding their way in the world as far as their own identity.

Now many would say that Justin and Selena already found their identities, and they did, in the entertainment world. These two are still at an age where they're learning about themselves, what they like, and even where they want to go in life. For this reason, a gap more often than not starts to form and divide teenage sweethearts, which isn't any one person's fault, it's just the way a human matures.