Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Alien Dead Body recently found in Siberia, Russia

A video has surfaced in Siberia claiming to have found the body of a ‘dead alien’. The video or body has not been verified as authentic, but it is generating massive interest online around the world.

The remains are said to be in Irkutsk, Siberia. The discovery is drawing massive attention as you may have suspected. There are over one million hits on the original video’s YouTube posting. However, there are many skeptics that don’t believe it is authentic.

Allegedly, the video was filed by the small town of Irkutsk in Siberia. The video camera operator is walking in a very snowy area toward the location of the alien body. Once he gets up close to the tiny creature, the camera zooms in to give a very good look of the being.

The supposed is very tiny with hollow eyes, a larger head, reddish body color, and one of the lets have been severed. It looks just like the alien creatures you find in typical Hollywood movies and scripts, which is why there are many that have strong doubts of the authenticity of this find. Many believe it is just an elaborate hoax.

The language spoken by one of the men on the find is in Russian, but said to be a commentary on how a dog was the one that found the ‘dead alien’ body. The actual words spoken in the video haven’t been verified by The Random Forest at the moment of this writing. This is speculation at this point.

Naturally, the video and supposed find of alien life form on earth has sparked a rash of rumors and conspiracy theories. Many have said this area is a the site of alien crash landings. In fact, there have been many UFO sightings in their area, at least claims of the sightings. Some even believe the military was aware of this crash landing and didn’t perform proper clean up, which is why you cannot find the other part of the alien’s leg, nor the spaceship.

No matter what the truth is about this video, the fact remains there will be must more speculation and discussion about the subject in this area and around the world. Hopefully, someone will be able to verify the authenticity, but until then the speculation continues.