Sunday, May 22, 2011

Good Pattaya Girls

A Good Thai Girl
Many would say it is difficult it find a “Good” girl in Pattaya and Best Hotel Pattaya would have to agree; that is not mean it can not be done though. If you are interested in finding a good girl, we would implor you to go some where like Bangkok or Phuket and visit a very high class trendy bar which would not allow bar girls in side and would most serve fine wine to people of the corporate nature, if you are content with trying in Pattaya though, we believe your best luck would be at your hotel or in the shops, the girls working in these places are often agent the act of working bars, this is not to say they do not go to the nightclubs on occasion and go home with a farang, and accept money in the morning.

Good Girls in Pattaya re hard to come by as the income for each Thai is so low, and Thai Girls will generally want and need to save money to send it back home. They can at times have children they need to support, and it is very common for them to have a Thai boyfriend who will demand money when he needs it. It is very common for all girls in Thailand to be required to do this, and it must be understood that they will always put them selves on the bottom on the pecking order, unless a farang is there. Farangs will always be last.

Girls that are “good” and educated will not generally work in Pattay though, as it is known for been a seedy town with a big red light district. Educated Thai Girls will also wish to stay with other Thais at is is the thing to to do for the upper middle Thai class.