Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On Japanese Girls: ten things you should not say to their face

On Japanese Girls: ten things you should not say to their face photo
I would think that most guys would have enough common sense to know that just about any of the below listed comments aren't suitable for any conversation with girls they like. But it's the internet, and we have to have a top ten list for everything. We can thank Escala cafe for this survey of 20-something Japanese females. They were asked what men should never say to them, and here's the result:
  • 10. Complaining about her strong perfume
  • 09. Comparing her with another actress/idol 
  • 08. Complaining about her poor fashion sense
  • 07. Complaining that the meal she cooked
  • 06. Laughing at her new hairstyle.
  • 05. Jokingly mention that she acts like an old lady
  • 04. Cannot understand why there is a difference between values
  • 03. Comparing her with your other female friends
  • 02. Taking note of her unsightly body hair
  • 01. Asking whether she gained any weight
Ladies, I was totally with you until I saw item number 2. Look, if you're not going to notice your unsightly body hair, then someone needs to point it out. If that's the case, we're doing you a favor. Look at it this way: if we're telling you about your body hair, it's probably safe to assume that we're not that into you.
I don't know. If I were a Japanese girl, I might appreciate the comparisons to an actress or idol (like the lovey Ayase, above)...just as long as she's beautiful and popular.