Friday, September 9, 2011

Hot Girl

Toronto is given a somewhat bad reputation in terms of pickup.  It is the home of the pickup artist for a reason.  Its considered the toughest city to pickup in Toronto and necessity breeds innovation.  The fact is that if you can succeed in Toronto you’ll do amazingly well in places like Montreal, Brazil, Colombia, South East Asia, and many parts of Europe.  I was recently visiting a small college town in the US and  I found that girls there were more laid back and open to being approached.  It seems that girls in Toronto are used to guys hitting on them and this results in it being more difficult to talk to them.
However, if you have the willpower to keep persevering in Toronto you will be rewarded massively when you are in other cities. Most older women or experienced women in Toronto will most likely come off cold during the initial start-up of the conversation. This is where the individual’s will power will be tested.
The hardest day game venue in Toronto has to be the Eaton Centre and Yonge Dundas square. There are multiple reasons why this is the case. Besides the massive crowd of people and constant visual and auditory stimulation; the sound of people talking and constant music blasting from stores. Doing a approach in front of all the people and constant simulation is far more difficult than in a more quiet and relaxed place.  The mind begins to play tricks and if you don’t start approaching fast when you get there you will feel yourself getting in to your head very fast.  Its very important to start being social and talking to people to keep yourself from getting into your head.
Some days I feel like giving up when I walk for 10 minutes and see no cute girls.  But I don’t, I keep moving because I enjoy this and have fun. I think having fun is the first and foremost priority, if the girls are stuck up and “unsocial” here in Toronto, than being in the positive state of mind is definitely a must. If the girl initially comes off “cold”, ignore it and keep on talking in a positive tune.  Plowing is massively important in Toronto as girls are used to guys hitting on them.  If you can plow well you’ll do well in Toronto.   You also will have to hit hard during the initial approach if you are going direct as you need to show awesome confidence.  The best way to do this is to have great strong eye contact and completely focus on her eyes for the first few seconds of the interaction.  This is something that really sparks that initial attraction.