Thursday, May 19, 2011

E! Entertainment 20 Most Beautiful Women

I still cant believe it! I am pinching myself daily! I have pinched myself soo many times that I am as red as a beet! Yes, it is true! Due to the amazing support of my fans world wide, E! Entertainment has highlighted me as one of the most beautiful women of the web, due to my record breaking web traffic and daily visits from my international fitness friends and fans! If you missed my key media appearance, please visit my media page or just simply click on and its on my main homepage as the default video clip on my virtual JNL Flat Screen TV! If you want to see my Oprah, The Big Idea with Donny Duetsch, or others, simply click on the menu item!
And in turn from all the incredible non-stop positive feed back and loving receptivity from all of you, my own show is now being discussed and is in the works! But I need your grass root ideas! A reality TV show, a motivational weight loss contest, or a fab make over program with me as the host? All ideas are appreciated, and just get down right creative!
As one of my personal heros Steven Speilburg said “I dont dream at night, I dream during the day, and I dream for a living”! So use this philosophy and cook up as many outrageously inspirational ideas that you can and my Team JNL Management will definately read through them all!