Thursday, August 25, 2011

How To Impress A Girl

There are lots of guys roaming always with girls. On seeing that you will also get a thought on How to impress a girl? Impressing a girl is not an easy thought and it definitely needs proper planning. Girls are always attracted only to true caring and not to the fake things. The girls get impressed only with the true natural character. In some cases, guys act as if they are like hero and perform some unwanted action. But the girls are not attracted by those unoriginal things. This article will provide you some simple things on how to impress a girl.

Impressing a girl is popular not only in the recent years but also from ages. There were serious mechanisms carried out by the kings of olden days to impress a girl. Here are few steps on how to impress girls in the recent world.

·        Be casual: It is not necessary that you should be very attractive and good looking. If you show your original character and the true nature you can always impress a girl. Some guys think that the dressing sense of the guys attracts the girls to the most. That fact is true but not to a very big extent. Any decent dress will do.

·        Pleasing speech: When you speak with a girl it is necessary that you use soft and pleasing words. When you approach her to communicate, speak more about her and little about yourself. Don’t forget to mention about her beauty. Tell her that she looks very attractive. In any relationship the communication is very important.

·        Don’t actually try to impress: Being natural is very fine than doing something different to impress a girl. Actually when you approach a girl speak generally and normally. Don’t have a plan in mind to impress the girl. Be yourself and let the things happen automatically. If you plan to impress the girl in the girl in the first sight you will end up with some confusion.

·        Show interest in her and let her talk: When you approach a girl don’t think that she will be attracted only when you talk in the pleasing manner. Actually girls are more attracted to the person who doesn’t speak much. When you approach a girl you show maximum interest on her and you let her talk to the maximum. If she asks you on why you are silent, tell her that you are enjoying what she is speaking. These factors will help you to create a serious place for you in her heart.

·        Show some respect: Usually respect is the common thing that has to be taken seriously. Give respect and take respect. In the case of girls, mingle with them in some sort of respect. Do right things at the right time in the right manner. Respect will be more helpful in creating a bond between you and the girl.

·        Natural talent: Girls are not impressed by the heroism that we show to them. The natural talents will be more than enough to attract a particular girl. If the girls are focusing much on the money you have, then they probably love your money and not you. Natural talents are the one with which you present yourself in front of her.

·        Show difference: The girls are attracted to the most if you show them something that is different. All the guys will possess some normal character that everyone has but the girls are impressed by some different thing that you have apart from others.

Try to show some difference from others such that the girl sticks to you lifelong.

The main thing to be noticed in a boy-girl relationship is “Men are attracted physically and women are attracted emotionally”. It is not the fact that if you are rich you can easily get girls. Rich men are always surrounded by the girls. The reason for that is, they buy anything that the girl demands with the money that he has. So, by this way the girl gets impressed. Those girls do not carry true impressions. Even poor guys are capable of attracting the girl by true emotions. Make her show some attention to your plus points and see to it that she gets attracted to one of the plus points to a greater extent. Healthy communication is very much necessary. Don’t speak much in front of girls. Have moderate speaking but speak strong points before her. That will help you out to a greater extent.

When making conversation, speak more about the common interest. Girls hate boys if they speak more about themselves. And moreover when you are speaking it is necessary that you are very careful on what you speak because if some word goes hurting, there will be severe consequences in your relationship. Make her feel good being with you. She should get a thought that she is very happy being with you. If she thinks that you are capable of keeping her happy, then she will definitely be impressed. Don’t ever make her feel lonely and at the same time don’t stick with her always. Leave her free and make her think about you when alone.

Just try these tips and you will soon find a girl impressed by you.