Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Total Lunar Eclipse seen in every part of the world (video)

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The longest and the darkest Lunar Eclipse in 4 decades occured tonight. This lunar eclipse was visible on every continent except North America.During the eclipse,earth’s shadow completely covered the moon, blocking the sun rays from reaching the moon.

The lunar eclipse occurred at 18:23 universal time (UT) (2:22 p.m. Eastern Time).

    Partial eclipse begins: 18:23 UT
    Total eclipse begins: 19:23 UT
    Greatest eclipse: 20:13 UT
    Total eclipse ends: 21:03 UT
    Partial eclipse ends: 22:02 UT

This eclipse provides a rare opportunity to watch orange-red light from the moon because during a total lunar eclipse earth blocks  direct light from the sun.However ,some indirect light from the earth’s atmosphere reaches the moon and it is reddened. Lunar eclipse is safe to watch with the naked eye.

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The best seat to watch this lunar eclipse are the Indian Ocean and Subcontinent,Eastern Africa,Western Australia,Mideast,Southeast Asia.